
In case you were wondering where the idea for this blog came from, it originally stemmed from a joke. Here's the story:

Kelly was visiting for the weekend and we were at my brother's halloween party. My mom charged us with the task of making macaroni and cheese, which, believe it or not, is actually relatively easy to screw up. Well, here's the funny part. Kelly and I can cook things well when we are cooking on our own. However, when you put us together in the kitchen, disastrous things happen. Not really sure why that is, but it is always an adventure. Anyways, so we are making this macaroni, and it's trouble from the start. We just keep laughing about who is going to hold the pan, who is going to strain the noodles, and every other little minor detail that any other normal person who was cooking would not think twice about. After the noodles have been sufficiently cooked, Kelly grabs a noodle out of the bunch and puts it in his hand, and promptly burns it. He flings the noodle off of his hand, and it lands into an empty cup. Well, we kinda forgot to throw that cup away, because later, my mom filled it up with some "witch's brew," took a swig and screamed out, "Is that a NOODLE in my cup?" We were laughing so incredibly hard, and all that Kelly could manage to say was, "We need to start a cooking show and we could call it 'Cooking With the Ellys."

So there you have it! Considering we are both broke college grads, we opted for a blog instead of a TV show. But who knows? Anything could happen...