Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Pork Chops

This next recipe is a classic, easy recipe for tender, juicy pork chops. 

Prep time: 10 minutes
Serves: 4
-1 green pepper
-1 onion (I usually use a yellow one)
6-8 pork chops (I usually get 4 big ones and cut them in halves, so I end up with 8)
1 cup Italian bread crumbs (or plain, but I like to jazz it up for flavor with Italian)
¼ cup milk
 -1 cup flour
1 tsp paprika
¼ tsp garlic powder
¼ tsp pepper
2 eggs
Vegetable or olive oil
1. Combine flour, paprika, garlic powder, and pepper in a large Ziploc bag. Note: You can experiment with other spices, but these are just some basic ones). Set aside.

2. Mix eggs and milk in a bowl. Set aside.

3. Pour breadcrumbs in a bowl. Set aside. Line up the mixtures as follows in this order: spices, milk, bread crumbs. You now have an assembly line for your pork chops!

4. Take each pork chop and place it in the Ziploc bag of flour. Seal and shake the bag until the entire pork chop is coated. 

5. Dip each pork chop into milk and egg mixture until entire pork chop is coated. 

6. Dip each pork chop into bread crumbs, using a fork to press the bread crumbs onto the top, bottom, and sides. 

7. Cut up the green pepper and onion into long, thin pieces. 

8. Grease a pan with vegetable or olive oil and set on the stove on medium heat. Place all pork chops into the pan, along with the onion and green pepper pieces for flavor, and place a lid over the pan. Cook for 10 minutes.

9. Flip pork chops over onto other side, move onions and peppers around in the pan, and cook for 10 minutes.

10. Take a shot glass full of water (or less—just don’t add too much or you will get soggy pork chops!) and pour it into the pan. Turn down the heat to low, place lid over the pan, and let simmer for 10 minutes. 

Serve and enjoy!

Here's a fun tip...that left over green pepper you have? Don't throw it away! Chop it up into little pieces, put it in an empty container (I used a clean water bottle), and freeze it for next time.

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